Monday, April 4, 2011

What's wrong with us?

Whats is wrong with human kind?
We have lost our compassion to love the common man.
With all of our groups, clicks, and posse's we are creating the outsiders.
These outsiders will never know the meaning of friendship or the good times that could be had.
You tag each other in social networking with inside jokes and events you attend.
Did you ever think how hurtful this might be to people who weren't there.
It's like a virtual high school and you are the popular kids taunting the nerds.
The outsiders think, "just another thing I wasn't invited to because no one likes me"
And don't any of the outsiders dare to break into the clicks no mater what they say.
They could say they were the dally-lama and they would still be excluded from said group.
In said friendships, is there a sacred bond that says "we are the end, no more admittance"?
OH and they'll come up with lame excuses not to include them such as "they are annoying or they talk to much."
Poppycock! Apparently, they don't talk enough to get out from the tirade that is your outsider making friendship.
Aren't all people annoying at times.
We're all human aren't we?
Not to these tyrannical people.
People normally don't like change. But change in inevitable.
It may be bad or good but you never know unless you try.
That boy who sits by himself may be the fiercest friend you would ever have if you just talked to him and got off your high horse.
We are all humans and part of humanity no matter how much of an outsider we may be.
It's time to do your part, HUMANITY!

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